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ICC Sydney

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Best Practices in PRM Board Certification: USA and Asia

Session outline

Board certification in PRM designates the achievement of high professional and educational standards, but the approaches to this process vary around the world. Some regions with nascent training programs have yet to implement a certification of competence at the completion of training. In countries with larger numbers of trainees, certification methodologies can emphasize knowledge attainment, clinical judgement, clinical and procedural skills, professionalism, quality, and safety.  Available resources for assessment universally impact certification methods. A better understanding of board certification science and best practices applied internationally can guide assessment organizations in development of evidence-based approaches to certifying competence in PRM.

  1. Unique challenges to board certification internationally
  2. Best practices in board certification methodologies
  3. Research evidence guiding methodologies

Learning outcomes

  1. Discuss the unique challenges faced by international certification organizations in designing and administering assessments of competence in PRM
  2. Compare and contrast the best practices in board certification from Asian nations and the USA.
  3. Appraise the evidence supporting methodologies in board certification globally
  4. Summarize an approach to board certification that could apply internationally

Target audience

Please indicate who you expect the target audience to be for this workshop. Who will benefit from attending?

  • Medical practitioners
  • Trainees
  • Medical educators


Table of Contents