Thomas Linden is a physician and specialist in neurology and psychiatry and has been clinically and scientifically engaged in problems with memory and thinking in patients with neurological disorders, as well as in the promotion of brain health in development and in recovery after injury. He has explored methods for enhancing recovery and repair efter brain injury, such as early mobilisation, aerobic exercise, social interaction and enriched environment. He did post-doc training at Australia’s National Stroke Research Institute and is associate professor at the Institute for Neuroscience and Physiology in Gothenburg, Sweden as well as visiting professor to the Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health in Melbourne, VIC and a conjoint associate professor to the Hunter Medical Research Institute at the University of Newcastle, NSW. Currently he is the Government Chief Medical Officer of Sweden and Director of the Department of Knowlege-based Policy of Health Care at the National Board of Health and Welfare, that e.g. issues National Guidelines in different areas and recently decided on concentrating spinal cord injury rehabilitation nationally.